Keyboard Savings Estimator

To find out how much Time and Money you could save, complete the first 5 boxes:

How many hours a week do you spend using a keyboard?
Approximately what is your current keyboarding speed in words per minute?
(Typically 10 - 15 wpm for an untrained person)
Realistically, what keyboarding speed would you like to achieve?
(20 wpm is good, 40 wpm is better, 60 wpm is achievable!) 
How much do you cost your organisation per hour?
(A person paid £20,000 per year probably costs £20 per hour) 
How many people in your organisation have a similar profile?

Results after training:

Number of hours you will now need to spend on the keyboard
Total number of hours per year which have now been freed up for you
Savings for your organisation for you each year (46 weeks)
Savings for your organisation for all similar employees
Total time saved for your organisation, in weeks

Keyboard courses cost only £85 per person. Can you afford not to?

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