Online Tutoring

We offer Onlne Tutoring as an alternative to, or as a supplement to, our Distance / Home Learning courses. Sessions can be arranged during the day, evenings or weekends. During an online tutoring session you are connected live through Skype* to a dedicated tutor providing you with one-to-one tutoring.

How Online Tutoring works

  1. You enrol either for a single session or a batch of 5 sessions.

  2. We will then contact you:
    • to arrange what you want to cover in your session/s
    • to arrange a date and time for your first session
    • to test your Skype* connection.

  3. The session is conducted at the agreed date and time.

*If you haven't used Skype before, don't worry. We will help you to get set up with Skype before your first session. There is no charge for this and there is no charge for using Skype.

Session times

Sessions with a tutor can be arranged during the following times:

This study method combines the flexibility of studying at home with guidance from a tutor.

Other Study Methods


You can choose to book a single session or 5 sessions for the price of 4:


The easiest way to enrol is to use the link to the PayPal secure payments facility below. You don't need a PayPal account, you can checkout as a PayPal Guest.

Number of hours:

If you would prefer to pay by making a bank transfer, please contact us and we'll send you our bank details.

After enrolling

Your enrollment will be processed by a person, not a computer. It may be the next working day before we contact you.

Enquiry Form